K1x Training Library

Will Campbell
Will Campbell
  • Updated

In addition to the resources in our K1x Knowledge Base, we also host a monthly training for each of our products.


Monthly Training

The first Thursday of every month, K1x hosts a product training at 12p EST. Stay tuned for details on our next training announcement. Please also see the K1x Communities for details on other K1x hosted events throughout the year.


November K-1 Aggregator Training

  • Our monthly course in November covered the basics of K-1 Aggregator.


October 990 Tracker Training

  • Our monthly course in October covered the basics of 990 Tracker, including best practices and workflow.


September K-1 Aggregator Training

  • Our monthly course in September covered the basics of K-1 Aggregator, including best practices for using our K-1 Reader up to sending of K-1 data to a CCH or TR return via our data integration tooling.

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